POS Items Menu Item Set Up - POS tab

The Point of Sale (POS) Items command on the Point of Sale (POS) Configuration menu allows you to add or edit Point of Sale (POS) items from the system using the POS items Maintenance screen. See Configure Menu or POS Items - General for more details.

The POS items Maintenance screen can also be reached using the Menu/POS Item command, which is found in the Menus section of the Sales and Catering Configuration Menu if your Property uses Skyware Systems Sales and Catering Module.

If your Property does not currently have our Sales and Catering Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at  Sales@SkywareSystems.com.

NOTE: All available Point of Sale (POS) items for all Outlets or Menus must be added to this list. You will associate each item with each Outlet using the Point of Sale (POS) tab after the item is added, and the items configured here may be used to build any menus to display on Banquet Event Orders to outline what meals will be served in a banquet room. The list of Menu Items generated is the same for both the Sales and Catering Module system in Skyware, AND for the POS system, allowing you to utilize your Menu/POS Items across Skyware Systems with just one item set up entry.


Each Point of Sale (POS) item has three sets of properties to configure and three different tabs for doing this:


This help topic covers the configuration items in the Point of Sale (POS) Tab. See POS Items Menu Item Set Up - General tab for information on using the General tab, POS Items Menu Item Set Up - Inventory tab for information on using the Inventory tab or Configure Menu or POS Items - General for a general overview of this category.


After an item has been added to the system, you must associate the item with the appropriate Outlet(s), POS periods, Display categories or Pick categories, Preparations, Modifiers, and Kitchen stations you should already have set up within the system from the Restaurant category of the configuration menu.

The associations made on this tab determine how and where each menu item will appear in the Restaurant Check screen. Consider your selections carefully to be sure that menu items appear where they should, and are easy for staff to find and select to post to restaurant checks.

NOTE: None of the fields in the POS tab are required, to the extent that the system will let you move on without adding any options. However, you MUST configure at least one restaurant and at least one meal period for the item in order for the item to appear in the staff interface. This actually allows you to add things like seasonal items into the system but not have them appear in the interface except during times they are available.



When accessed, the POS Items Maintenance screen will open.

By default, the General tab appears. You MUST create and save each new menu item on this tab BEFORE continuing with other configuration.

POS Items Maintenance screen example

The screen display is split into two frames, with the left side of the screen listing any already configured Point of Sale (POS) Items for the property. Selecting each item allows you to see (and if necessary, edit) the Point of Sale (POS) options configured for that item via the fields on the right side of the screen. The right side contains the fields you need to complete in order to associate each Point of Sale (POS) Item with the other aspects of the POS system. Any changes made on the right, once saved, will be updated in the listings to the left.



Date Updated August 19, 2024